1820 - 1881

Famous Belgian violonist born in Verviers in 1820, died in Mustapha (near Algers) in 1881, prodigiously gifted, he was sent by his teacher, Lecloux, on a tour at the age of seven during which he arose the great admiration of his audiences. Charles de Bériot gave him the opportunity to study and play in Paris 1830.
In 1831, Vieuxtemps came back to Brussels and started his triumphal tours in Europe and America. He remained in Russia from 1846 to 1852 and then went back to America. Afterwards he came back to Paris where he had an immense success. He was appointed teacher in Brussels from 1871 to 1873, when a stroke of paralysis stopped his career as concertartist.
He founded the franco-belgian school of violin playing.
He was a prolific composer and his work will remain indispensable for every technician.

Famous Belgian violonist born in Verviers in 1820, died in Mustapha (near Algers) in 1881, prodigiously gifted, he was sent by his teacher, Lecloux, on a tour at the age of seven during which he arose the great admiration of his audiences. Charles de Bériot gave him the opportunity to study and play in Paris 1830.
In 1831, Vieuxtemps came back to Brussels and started his triumphal tours in Europe and America. He remained in Russia from 1846 to 1852 and then went back to America....