Alongside studying Jazz at the CNR in Marseille, Yann Robin (1974 - ) studied composition with Georges Boeuf before joining Frédéric Durieux's composition class at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris, as well as Michael Levinas' analysis class, and later pursued the Cursus Informatique at IRCAM. During his formative years, his encounter with Jonathan Harvey profoundly influenced him.
His music, powerful and massive, where pulse and rhythm meet more ecstatic moments, unfolds through vast streams of energy. Through contrasts, the timbres navigate between purity and impurity. His attraction to deep, abyssal frequencies, which he defines as "a world from below", leads him in Inferno, for large orchestra and electronics, to explore infrasound, which he uses here as "underground dramaturgy". Since Monumenta, for a large orchestra of 95 musicians, he has developed the concept of "negative harmony," allowing him to precisely conduct masses and textures of great density over time.
He works closely with numerous soloists such as Alain Billard, Jérôme Comte, Éric-Maria Couturier, Nicolas Crosse, Clément Saunier, and Bertrand Chamayou, as well as conductors like Allan Gilbert, Susanna Mälkki, Kent Nagano, Jonathan Nott, Matthias Pintscher, François-Xavier Roth, and Léo Warynski. He receives commissions and regularly collaborates with ensembles such as Ensemble intercontemporain, Klangforum Wien, and Ensemble Modern, as well as orchestras like the New York Philharmonic, SWR / SO Baden Baden und Freiburg, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Seattle Symphony, and Los Angeles Philharmonic.
As a resident at the French Academy in Rome, Villa Medici, in 2009-2010, he initiated and directed the Controtempo Festival dedicated to contemporary creation and music. In 2005, he co-founded the Ensemble Multilatérale, of which he is the artistic director. In 2019, he co-founded ARCo, an international academy of composition and interpretation operating on the principle of alternating between the Mozarteum in Salzburg and the GMEM in Marseille. In 2020, he co-founded the Ensemble(s) Festival.

His music is published by Editions Jobert.

Alongside studying Jazz at the CNR in Marseille, Yann Robin (1974 - ) studied composition with Georges Boeuf before joining Frédéric Durieux's composition class at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris, as well as Michael Levinas' analysis class, and later pursued the Cursus Informatique at IRCAM. During his formative years, his encounter with Jonathan Harvey profoundly influenced him.
His music, powerful and massive, where pulse and rhythm meet more...

Works of ROBIN Yann

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Vienne, Austria Friday, July 5, 2024 July 5, 2024 ROBIN Yann

Ftera II
Alte Schmiede Kunstverein
Nice (06), France Thursday, July 18, 2024 July 18, 2024 ROBIN Yann

Katame no Kata
Classic Festival
Obterre (36), France Saturday, July 20, 2024 July 20, 2024 ROBIN Yann

Katame no Kata
Rencontres Musicales de Jaugette